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Quantum provides the opportunity to purchase Accident and Critical Illness Insurance through Guardian.


Accident Insurance​


If you and your family are active, chances are, you're no stranger to a hospital emergency room.  Even with medical insurance, a fall while bicycle riding or your child's sprained ankle at soccer practice can cost you a bundle in out-of-pocket expenses.  Are you financially prepared for all of the medical and non-medical costs of treatment and recovery from a serious injury?


Critical Illness Insurance​


Health care costs are on the rise.  Even with medical insurance, you're often still responsible for both medical and non-medical expenses related to your recovery from a serious illness.  The cost you pay for copays and deductibles, as well as other expenses such as child care, transportation to the doctor and loss of income when you are unable to work, could really set you back financially.  Are you prepared to manage these expenses if you or  family member were diagnosed with a serious illness?

Group Number

Carrier Website

Customer Service Number



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