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Vision Plan

An annual vision exam allows an eye doctor to identify vision problems, as well as other health conditions, such as diabetic eye disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. An annual vision exam allows an eye doctor to identify vision problems, as well as other health conditions, such as diabetic eye disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. 

Vision Coverage
Vision Exam (once every 12 months)
$10 copay
Frames (once every 24 months)
$130 allowance
Lens (once every 12 months)
$25 copay
Standard single/bifocal/trifocal/lenticular
$25 copay
Contact Lenses (in lieu of lenses and frames)
$130 allowance
Bi-Weekly Employee Rates
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Child(ren)

Group Number


Carrier Website

Customer Service Number


Vision Summary

Find a provider

Create an account on to view your in-network coverage, find the network doctor who's right for you.  At your appointment, just tell them you have Surency.


This summary of benefits is intended only to highlight your benefits and should not be relied upon to fully determine coverage.  Please refer to the summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for a complete listing of services, limitations, exclusions and a description of all terms and conditions of coverage.  Where there is a discrepancy, the SBC will prevail.

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